As you may have noticed, I’ve been taking a bit of a break from the internets these last few weeks. I have noticed in recent years that come December and January, my body and mind make it quite clear that I need a break to rest—and more importantly, I’ve begun to listen to that little urge (with delightful results, I must say).
Particularly after the hustle and bustle of the holidays, hopping from one joyful party to the next, it feels so natural and right to just bask in rest after it’s all over, to put no expectations on myself and to take it easy.
It was during one such evening, between making leftovers and heading upstairs to watch Big Bang Theory with my hubby, that I had a thought. Not a new thought, per say, but a thought that struck me in a new way and made me feel quite jolly.
In thinking about my last year, I realized how stressed I’ve been, particularly with regard to a handful of as-yet-unfinished projects. I have often felt the weight of them on my list, but felt uninspired, behind and unequal to the task of actually finishing them.
But the thing is, when you’re feeling overwhelmed and dissatisfied with your progress, the answer isn’t to keep pushing (and that is where I’ve been causing myself unnecessary stress, you see).
My little hiatus lately has shined a spotlight on a viable alternative to all this pushing.
Instead . . . just stop. Step back. Rest if you need it, and clear some real space in your schedule. After you are rested, evaluate what you can let go of to make room for the order and feeling of ease that you seek. Rest up and clear some space, so that you are energized and ready to hustle later when inspiration strikes again. Relax and trust that inspiration will strike again.
I’ve developed a bad habit of lamenting my messes, chaos and disorder, and making plans to push harder, strive more and do more. But I realized, what if the answer all along has been to clear the decks first, to make everything else easier . . . then proceed?
Therefore, my 2014 word of the year shall be SPACE.

Then, because I was on a roll, I wrote a poem about it. This little voice in my head said, “Um, honey? You are not the kind to express yourself via poetry. Put that away.” Then another little voice said, “Yeah, well, I wrote a poem and I like it. So shut your face.” You can guess who won.
Creating space
Crammed full has no room to grow.
Rootbound, pressed from all angles, overflowing with obligations
Yearning to reach and stretch, so I need . . .
Room for more, bigger, better, ideal.
Enough to rest. Enjoy. Sit quietly.
Spark of inspiration, then do. Posthaste.
Action accomplished, settle back to enjoy and rest, again.
Space left for ease.
Easy living, easy life.
End of poetry slam. Already after this winter’s rest, I’ve gotten new ideas that I can’t wait to share with you. Making space is really my only “resolution” this year, and it feels delightful.
Ahh, sweet relief!
Tell me, friends, do you have a word of the year?