1. Awesome stick drawings
I love this so much.
Does anybody else play Draw Something? I only wish my drawings were THIS GOOD. My husband is pretty awesome, though. He gives himself a time limit of 20 seconds to enhance the challenge. You can image what that does for a person’s drawings.
2. My new PIANO!
Jonny and I scored a great deal on a used console piano recently. I took lessons as a kid, but it’s been years since I spent more than five minutes at a stretch in front of the kys. I’ve already started plunking through the Christmas sheet music I found in the bench…it’s really fun to play again. You can see a partial snapshot of it here.
3. Les Miserables
Raise your hand if you love Les Miserables! I fell in love with the music after singing it in eighth grade choir, and got to see the musical live in London when I was in high school. After watching this sneak peek extended trailer, I am incredibly psyched for the upcoming movie.
4. Pumpkins!
I already mentioned them once on the blog this month, but I’m truly thrilled about pumpkins right now. The eating ones, specifically (I just don’t understand the “for decoration only” ones anymore…don’t you know they taste delicious??). I have been doing some major preservation in order to stock up for the year…and squeezed in a bit of baking, too! Yesterday, I made two pies and two dozen pumpkin pie cupcakes.
5. Hot beverages are back
Hurray, it’s time again for hot chocolate and tea and being able to burn candles without fearing that they are working in direct opposition to the air conditioning! It fills me with smiles, I am so ready for fall this year. I even got all my sweaters out. Bring it ON.