Happy Valentine’s Day! I happen to love Valentine’s Day, because it’s a great excuse for people to be extra nice to each other and give extra hugs and kisses and nice words. Ahhhh, love. I also hug my cats at every opportunity, even though they don’t get what’s going on.
Heaven in a crock pot. I made this recipe for crock pot buffalo chicken sandwiches, and holy heavens is it the most delicious thing I ever did taste. Buffalo chicken sandwiches make my life better. That’s all there is to it.
It’s super simple (I make the buffalo wing sauce and “ranch dressing mix” from scratch, and it still takes less than 10 minutes to throw together), and then the house smells amazing all. day. long. It all finishes with the most amazing meal that I never want to end because the sandwich is generously topped by blue cheese and oh, my, I better make it again next week. (Also: Girl Scout Cookies. Thin Mints and Tagalongs forever.)
The Way of the Happy Woman by Sarah Avant Stover. I’ve read it before, and with the start of another year I decided to read it again. This book is about living your life in harmony with the seasons and cycles of nature. Ahhh, nature. You make me feel good
Thrifting. I kicked off a new season of thrifting with a fantastic trip that resulted in the cutest fondue pot you ever did see, two mirrors and a sweet floral sheet from the 70s, among other things. I took all kinds of pictures last week, and will be listing tons of new things in the online shop soon—keep an eye out!
My organized kitchen. Last weekend I spent an afternoon dragging every last item out of my kitchen cupboards (all of them!), laying everything out on the kitchen table, sifting and sorting, then putting away the things I wanted to keep. I ended up with a surprisingly large pile of things we no longer need or use, and realized that we accumulate a shocking number of drinking glasses for just two people living in our house. We now have extra space in our cupboards, and it feels amazing.
- Huge thanks to everyone who attended the Learn to Cook Without Measuring online workshop! I had so much fun teaching the workshop, and have absolutely loved all the great comments I’m getting. Those of you who signed up but couldn’t make it, watch for the recording in your inboxes later today!
That’s all for this week. Have a wonderful Valentine’s and a beautiful weekend! xoxo