Something happened the moment I turned the calendar to February. All of the sudden, I got really excited about planting my garden. One evening last week I ordered all of my seeds online from Victory Seeds and Sow True Seed. After they were ordered, I read my herb gardening book. Still wasn’t enough, so I started a free 30-day Garden Planner trial so I could plot out where to put said seeds.
We’ve had a vegetable garden in the backyard the past two summers, and I’ve always fallen short of actually planning where things go. The first year, I was so tired from actually building and filling the garden bed (and equally excited to get my seeds in the ground) that I just planted things. Too close together, too far apart, huge empty gaps left over. But it was my garden, and I was happy.
Last year, I also planted at an additional large garden plot at my father-in-law’s house. I tried my best to fill both, and ended up getting so overwhelmed that both went unweeded and didn’t produce that much. This year, I’m focusing on the backyard garden exclusively, and will also be planting some flowers and herbs around the house if I have extra time. It’s going to be fantastic. After arranging and rearranging on the Garden Planner, I think it’s going to look something like this:
The vegetable garden will have pumpkins, butternut squash, white onions, green onions, peppers, tomatoes, basil, carrots, radishes, parsley, spinach and leaf lettuce.
Waiting for the seeds to arrive…once they do, I’ll share my full list of what I’m planting (flowers and herbs too). Are you growing a garden this year? Do you have a good way to plot everything out, or do you just wing it?