You’ve heard of the hedonistic treadmill, no? It’s the idea that once you get something new, you feel a temporary rush—endorphins, happiness, satisfaction, pleasure, what have you—but then . . . it wears off. You return to the original level of happiness you had before the purchase. As you become accustomed to the new car, shoes, or couch, the newfound happiness releases its hold on you as soon as that new car smell fades away. You start looking for the next thing to bring you that rush.
And so begins a cycle of working more to spend more, while tragically missing the point.
What if you could get off that treadmill?
What if you didn’t have to hunt for the next thing . . . all the time?
What if you could soak in the pleasure of having what you have, rather than the endless craving of wanting what you don’t?
There is a time for yearning, reaching and stretching . . . but sometimes we need to rest. To relax, to enjoy, to be content and to live without wishing to be somewhere we are not.
This is the reason I created Love What You Have. I’m so very excited to re-launch the course, particularly in light of the wonderful feedback I got the first time around:
“Love What You Have is such a powerful and easy method away from clutter, overwhelm and lack into spaciousness, ease and prosperity for home and heart. I loved how straightforward and doable each lesson was. These simple tips, tricks and actions added time and energy to my day. Michelle should promise instant riches and wealth beyond your wildest dreams with this course. How else can you describe the satisfaction of really living and loving your own success story? Thank you, Michelle, for the incredible work you are doing.”
~ Meg Worden, Health Coach
“I loved this course! Michelle found a way to be practical, thoughtful and spiritual all at once. This course really got me thinking about how I use my resources (or allow them to gather dust!), how I can better appreciate my belongings, and how I can better honor my time. I especially liked the ‘daily assignments’. They were easy to do BUT really helped to bring the lessons home! These simple actions made me think a bit harder about what I was purchasing, why I was and more importantly, what I was wasting. I feel like a more mindful consumer (I still like buying stuff but am going to be more thoughtful from this point on).”
– Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady“I signed up for the Love What You Have course because I was curious how I could shift my focus on what I didn’t have to enjoy and love what I do have. The concepts in the course were so simple but so valuable. Now that I’m finished with the course, I feel like I have new tools and a different perspective on the things I do have in my life—and it’s OK to just take a slower pace and smell the roses.”
~ Erin Pollard“I just wanted to let you know how much I’m enjoying the course. This morning I could hardly wait until 7:30 arrived and I could read your fabulous content. Keep up the great work and I’ll be waiting with bated breath for tomorrow’s installment!”
~ Diann
Sign up today to take the course!
You can also use that link to view more testimonials, and learn more about what the course will cover. You can also view a sneak peek sample lesson right here.
“Love what you have, and you’ll have more love.”
~ Regina Spektor, Firewood