Life gets crazy.
We all know that, don’t we? I’ve been weathering some particularly angst-y tempests in my life lately (I mean, who hasn’t, right?) and last weekend, just finally slowed down enough to clean my house. For two uninterrupted hours.
Headphones on. Single focus. Easy, breezy bliss.
First off, that was amazing.
And secondly, I made a discovery.
Picking up the clothes strewn haphazardly about my closet, my eyes caught sight of the purses in my closet. And I spied a particular purse that I only use in summer.
Lo and behold, it was mid-July, and I hadn’t touched the thing! For all my talk about embracing summer earlier in the season…I let myself get caught up, and I’ve been letting it pass me by these last few weeks.
I’m bored of the hearing the same old small talk come out of MY OWN MOUTH—Can you believe it’s almost August! Ugh, no, can you?! I can’t stand how fast time is flying…
So this time, I’m bucking the cliche and choosing a different ending to my summer before it’s too late.
Needless to say, I have been using this purse for the last week—it’s adorable, after all, and when I spy it in winter, I always dream longingly about the balmy times when I can use it again.
I hereby declare the rest of this season to be my own personal festival of sunshine. I have already filled my meal plan with foods I can only eat in the summer, I ate some figs (nom nom nom) and put a date on the calendar for my first canoe adventure on the lake—a thing I’m shocked I haven’t gotten around to yet.
Consider this a PSA for other deprived souls like mine who let June and much of July slip through their fingers: it’s not too late! The time is now! Go play outside!
For your own personal festival of sunshine, I present the following ideas for your bucket list:
- Eat grilled garlic bread salad, pasta with peas and mint, or another easy summer recipe using fresh produce.
- Start a ritual to get you outside and enjoying the sun
- Have a bonfire out in the backyard
- Put a camping or boating trip on the calendar
- Weed your garden!
- Put on some sunglasses, pour a cold drink (like sun tea or rhubarbaritas) and read on the deck or a blanket in the grass
- Take off work a half an hour early to go sit on a park bench, doing nothing at all
- Visit the farmer’s market
- Buy (or pick) yourself some flowers
- Ride your bike
- Take a walk to get ice cream