This post is part of a series called What’s for Dinner?, in which I invite my favorite bloggers, business owners and online personalities to share with you their own go-to recipes, the favorite meals, snacks, drinks they make over and over again. You’ll get to meet some of my online friends, and we’ll all get some new (fantastic) recipes to try!
My guest blogger today, Paul Jarvis, is a web designer like me, and I love his down-to-earth, practical style of writing. As a designer who has worked with hundreds of small businesses with their online presence, I cannot recommend his ebook, Be Awesome Online, highly enough—it’s packed with juicy insider wisdom I wish all my customers would read before they hire someone to make a website for them. If you have a business, or do marketing for one, you should seriously check it out.
Why am I asking this guy about his dinner, you ask? Well, he wrote a vegan cookbook in his spare time, called Eat Awesome. (You are what you eat, so . . . eat awesome. How can you argue with that logic?) Check out this mouthwatering recipe; I’ve made it myself, and can personally attest to how delicious and hearty it is! Then go check Paul out online. He’s a brilliant person to know.
What’s for dinner, Paul?
Some folks think that just because a dish is vegan, it can’t be filling or satisfying. To those people I dare them to try eating 6 or 7 of these cabbage rolls (and not need to change into stretchy pants). Not only are they filling, but on a cooler autumn day, they’re down-right satisfying as well.
Paul’s Go-To Recipe: Cabbage Rolls
- Quinoa
- Sweet potato
- Garlic
- Apple
- Tomato sauce
- Safflower oil
1. Dice 2-3 sweet potatoes, 1 apple and a few bulbs of garlic. Lightly oil and roast at 375F for about an hour, turning occasionally.
2. Cook a cup of quinoa in 1 and ó cups of lightly salted water.
3. Pull cabbage leaves apart and steam until soft.
4. Combine roast mixture with quinoa, spoon into cabbage leaves and fold up like a burrito.
5. Cover the top of each cabbage roll with a generous helping of homemade or store-bought tomato sauce.
Sometimes it’s hard to pull cabbage leaves off the head without breaking them. If it’s just not working, scoop the quinoa mixture into a casserole dish, dice steamed cabbage on top, and generously cover with tomato sauce. Bake for 10 minutes at 350F and serve as a casserole.
To get super fancy, purée steamed cauliflower with a bit of salt and nutritional yeast, and spread that underneath the cabbage rolls when plating.
Images by Marnie Recker Photography
Paul Jarvis is a web designer, author and gentleman of adventure. You can find him on twitter at @pjrvs. His upcoming book, Everything I Know, will launch in January 2014.