Snapshot is a periodic series about what’s going on in my life right now—what I’m eating, reading, doing, loving, and my favorite links from around the web.

Oh, hello!
I’m adding a few new sections to my snapshot, because I’ve always wanted to share what I’m listening to and watching lately, since it changes so often. Hope you like it!
Canned peaches and jalapeño jelly, oh my! I spent all of last weekend canning—20 quarts of spiced peaches and about 25 half-pint jars of hot jalapeño jelly. So the eating’s been good. I made a peach cobbler with the peaches I didn’t put in jars, with homemade whipped cream. NOM. Next up: tomatoes. I love canning season.
For my fellow canning enthusiasts: stay tuned for a special new thing just for you, it will be announced next week on the blog!
SO MANY THINGS. I have 10 books checked out from the library at the moment. I just finished The Nightingale, a novel about two sisters during World War II in France. Loved it! Now, please tell me what you’ve been reading so I can add to my list.
Crocheting! Like a fiend. Rag rugs mostly (I’ve finished four in the last month), and also this bag. Which is my new Favorite Thing.
Primitive Technology on YouTube. This guy’s hobby is making primitive huts and tools from scratch using only natural materials in the wild. We watched this for an hour the other night and it’s absolutely riveting. (He also has a blog.)
Also, completely unrelated: GLOW is flucking amazing and I already can’t wait for season 2. (I was highly skeptical when Jon suggested we try it. I was SO wrong.)
The #ThrowbackThursday playlist on Spotify never fails to delight in our household. It changes every week; this week it’s a really amazing mid-90s Top 40 mix. Last week it was Motown. I’ve never heard a bad mix from this playlist. (I’m listening to I Saw the Sign by Ace of Base right now, in case you were wondering.)
Working in my backyard! I recently discovered I can get Wifi back there. So on nice days (of which we’ve had a lot this month!) I set up my reclining lawn chair under the shade tree, pour myself some sun tea and get my work done next to my garden and flowers and sweet little birds. If this isn’t living the dream, I don’t know what is.
- Half of all plastic that has ever existed was made in the last 13 years. The environmental effects of the plastic age are chilling.
- The secret to faking a clean house. I tried this…and I LIKE it.
- This is excellent advice. Do not hire these guys for your next marketing project.
- The CDC says lemon eucalyptus is as effective as DEET for repelling mosquitoes!
- “Ultimately, there is no one whom your book (or other creative endeavor) will matter to more than you.” This writing advice rings so true.
- I’ve done my own version of a mind detox retreat. This post gives some great guidelines if you need to make a little space in your noggin.
- In the absence of a village, mothers struggle most. “We’re supposed to be crying, celebrating, falling down, and rising together.” Hear, hear!
- 6 steps to take better iPhone photos! (Speaking from experience, most of these tips work for Android phones too.)
- This isn’t exactly news (in fact it’s a year old), but I recently stumbled on it. Jennifer Aniston wrote a powerful article for HuffPo about “sport-like scrutiny and body shaming” she’s experienced…and let’s be honest, she’s not the only one. I admire her ideas for a more holistic and accepting view of women, for who they are. “We are complete with or without a mate, with or without a child. We get to decide for ourselves what is beautiful when it comes to our bodies.“
- Elizabeth Esther lost a friend to suicide. These are her letters to her friend. As a person who’s been touched by suicide, this website moved me.
- I’m going to let the title of this video speak for itself. CONTAINS SPOILERS. If you’ve seen Game of Thrones, OMG you will love this genius/morbid little pop-up book:
- One year ago – 7 lessons learned in two years of self employment
- Two years ago – Home tour: Keelie’s vintage artist apartment
- Three years ago – The barometer you didn’t know you had
- Four years ago – Oops I have too much…zucchini
- Five years ago – Growing more scallions from other scallions